Hans Wrage & Co. GmbH was established in 1951 and is one of the leading distributors of a special range of products. As we have excellent business relations to leading manufacturers all over the world, we decided in the year 2016 to enlarge our product range by establishing our own brand PALLAS for high class shotguns and rimfire rifles.


PALLAS shotguns are produced by a reputable and first class manufacturer in Türkiye.


PALLAS rimfire rifles are produced in Germany by a specialized manufacturing plant.


PALLAS guarantees very good quality at a reasonable price.


Being a German brand, the production of all PALLAS weapons is being constantly and carefully controlled by us.


PALLAS means high quality service - for our products and for our customers.


We are competitive and competent and always do the outmost to satisfy our customers.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for any support.